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Disney Orlando Trip Guide

Disney Orlando Trip Guide

It has been a while since my last blog post. Summer time is always so busy as I try to maximize my time with the family and enjoy the beautiful weather.     Today I want to share with you about my trip and give you a preview of our Disney Orlando trip guide....
Instagram vs Reality

Instagram vs Reality

I wanted to write this blog for a while because what  you see on social media is not always what you get.  And with our generation being on social media all the time it is very easy to become disouraged and unhappy with yourself and your life when you look at those so...
Take Care of Self Care

Take Care of Self Care

It has been way too long since I wrote my last blog post but I needed to dedicate my time for other important issues in my life and since I was already feeling overwhelmed,  the blog had to wait. As wowen we always have so much on our plate that taking time off is...