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Sooo I am very excited to attend Toronto Fashion Week tomorrow. I LOVE seeing new and established designers “do their thing.”



Tomorrow I am looking forward to previewing Daniel Gregory Natale’s collection. He is a fellow Torontonian who graduated with distinction from a design school. But what is remarkable is that his ENTIRE graduate collection was purchased by Seflridges in London.



His designs are very eclectic and unique and you are sure to stand out in one of his pieces. He constructs womenswear with numerous panels and layering so it can be very adaptable to the woman who’s rocking his designs. And after perusing his instagram account I loved that he uses women of various ages to showcase their own individual beauty.



So stay tuned to my Instastories tomorrow to get all the TFW highlights and see the amazing designs.



*All photographs are a property of Daniel Gregory Natale and were derived from his Instagram. Click on the photo to see his instagram.*

