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After talking about my essential oils tips on my Instagram a few days ago I received an overwhelming response with you guys asking me how to use them and what I use them for; so I’m going to give you my tips and tricks.

Now I am not an expert in essential oil nor do I ingest them and as a disclaimer please talk to your health care provider before using any essential oils, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or on kids.

Now that we got the legalitties out fo the way I will share with you my tips ๐Ÿ˜‰


Mosquito Repellant:

I always try to stay away from chemicals, especially when it comes to kids. So I was never happy with the traditional repellants. I have tried many different versions and the recipe that works best is the one with Lemon Eucalyptus Oil which is a specific pant (not a lemon plus eucalyptus) and Citronella Oil.

How to make it:

In a spray bottle combine 1/2 cup of Witch Hazel and 1/2 of vinegar.

Then add 30 drops of Citronella Essential Oils and 20 drops of Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil.

Shake it all together and you are ready to use it.


Spider Repellant:

As it gets warmer, spiders become a nuissance in the house and I don’t like killing them so I use Peppermint Essential Oil to prevent them from coming into the house.

It’s super easy to do:

In a spray bottle combine:

1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of water.

Add 20 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil and shake it all up. Spray all windowsills and entryways with this solution and you will be getting a lot less spiders inside the house.


Chest Rub:

I don’t use this often but when we have congestion and coughs in my house I make a home made chest rub rather than using the conventional ones that have petroleum and other chemicals.

All you need is:

4 table spoons of raw shea butter and 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

First melt the shea butter. You can use a pan or I use boiled water. Add it to a bowl and put the glass jar with shea butter in it until melted. Then add the eucalyptus drops and mix itย  well. Use it the same way you would a regular chest rub.



Did you know that eucalyptus essential oil is a great degreaser??? Neither did I until recently and now I can’t stop using it.ย  Last week I was at a restaurant and clumsy as I am I dripped oil on my green silk blouse so I decided to try out this essential oil. All I did was drip a few drops on the stain (make sure the stain is covered) and then wash it as usual. Voila, the stain was completey gone. I also tried it on the scuffs on my patent shoes and it workerd magically.

So next time you get a greasy stain try eucalyptus oil and then let me know how it worked.

Better Sleep:

Last but not least I occasionally use lavender essential oil in the bedrooms by spraying the pillows. Not only does it smell nice, it also helps you sleep better.

How I make it is simple. In a spray bottle add about 100ml of water and about 10 drops of lavender essential oil, then spray where desired.


These are my tips for the day and my uses for essential oils. Also before I forget, when looking for essential oils make sure they are pure and good quality. I personally like Thursday Plantation Brand due to their quality but most ofย  the essential oils will do the trick.

Now comment below with your favourite use of an essential oil and make sure to subscribe to my newsletter here so you are always in the loop.

Stay fabulous,

Maria, xoxo
