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Green smoothie - kale, kiwi, green apples, ground flax seeds

Since I try to eat ONLY organic food, many times I get asked about the differences between organic and conventional foods as well as how someone on a budget can afford to eat organic.

This is the low down on why go organic and stay on budget.

First of all let’s start with what exactly is ORGANIC FOOD:

•100 % organic food is food that is grown naturally, without any pesticides.

•For meat it has to be hormone and antibiotics free as well as be free to go outdoors.

•It is the “REAL” food as our parents and grandparents called it.

Why choose organic?

•We are constantly bombarded with toxins from the water, air, personal care products AND food, so the less toxins we get the healthier we will be.

•Liver gets burdened. Liver is one of our main detoxification organs and if we burden it too much it won’t function as well as it should, leaving toxins circulating in our bodies.

Really, How Bad Is Conventional Food? Let’s see.

•Fruits and Veggies: they contain fungicides, chemical fertilizers, herbacides, and pesticides

•Meat and Eggs: The animals are grown in captivity, injected with hormones and given antibiotics. Everything that is given to the animals gets absorbed by our bodies once we eat it.

SHOCKER!!! Yes, Organic Foods Still Contain Pesticides

•Unfortunately, due to the close proximity of farms and the environment, organic foods still contain some pesticides.

•However, it is a fraction of what conventional foods contain. Also, the pesticides are topical and not in the core. What I mean by that is the seeds are not laden with toxic pesticides that are sprayed as soon as planted and then again and again and again before the fruits and veggies are picked.

•In my opinion the more toxins I expose myself to the better.

YES, You can still eat ORGANIC on a BUDGET!

•Look for items that are on special and buy extras; freeze the extras.

•Check the store’s website and flier for coupons.

•Check your favourite brands for their specials.

•Buy loose items in bulk.

•Buy items that are unpeeled uncut, unwashed etc (ie: chicken)

•Learn what’s in season, as seasonal fruits and veggies are cheaper

•Buy frozen fruits and veggies

•Know the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15

•Buy local

•Find a farmer’s market near you and go close to the closing time

•Check your local organic deliveries

•Contact companies to find out about their farming practices

•Plan out your weekly meals so you know what to buy.

•Have a list of what you have in your pantry and freezer to avoid buying extras and wasting food

If unable to buy everything organic, prioritize.

•Meat, dairy, dirty dozen

•Instead of buying water bottles, invest in a good reverse osmosis filtration system.

•Portion and freeze the leftovers to avoid wasting food.

•Cut down on eating out and buy organic food to make at home instead.

This is the low down on WHY eat ORGANIC and the HOW TO’s on doing so on a BUDGET.

Would love to hear what you think. Please comment below and SHARE SHARE SHARE so that more people can benefit from this info.

Much ORGANIC love to you all!
