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Choose Happiness:

Happiness is a choice. A few years back I never looked at it this way. I have been conditioned to believe that someone else is “responsible” for making me happy or unhappy.

What I have learned along the way is that if I will depend on someone else for my happiness I will never be truly happy.

What I also learned is a lot of people don’t like happy people and when they are not happy they will try to bring others down to their misery as well. Along the way of finding my way I have lost quite a few “friends” as they just couldn’t deal with someone who is not into drama, someone who sees more positive than negative and someone who doesn’t want to dwell on the bad stuff.

Personally I am tired of drama, tired of women trying to tear each other down rather than build each other up, tired of everyone getting offended over every little thing.

So… I decided to just be happy.  Regardless of what others think and regardless of whether or not someone will get “offended” over what I do with my OWN life.

If you want to be unapologetically happy, then I encourage you to do the following:


  1. Block the negative people out of your life or at least limit your contact with them.
  1. Stop caring what other people think of you or say about you. There will ALWAYS be someone who will be unhappy about the way you live your life….WHO CARES?!?!?!
  1. Stay away from drama! A lot of people tend to thrive on drama and gossip. Personally I despise it. If they only knew how much energy it is sucking out of them, they might consider stopping.
  1. Start focusing on your own life instead of comparing it to others. Yes we are all guilty of comparisons from time to time. The difference however is how negatively we look at it as well as how long we dwell on it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        For example looking at someone who you think has a better life than you and saying, “Wow good for her for building the life she has. It motivates me to work harder and do better even more.” Then you move on with your life. This is very different from looking and thinking “Wow can’t believe she has a life she has. She doesn’t deserve it. Bet she scammed her way through life.” And keep thinking that over and over. These are very different mindsets and if you keep thinking the latter you will never be truly happy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Also keep in mind, the lawn is not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.
  1. Choose happiness. Make up a daily routine of doing what you love that makes you happy. That will set you up for the day.

Make a decision every morning to wake up and be happy. Yes life will always throw unexpected twists but it is your choice how you deal with it. There are a ton of things to be grateful for and life is too short to spend it being unhappy.

As Poppy from the “Trolls” movie says, “Happiness is already inside you”; and she’s absolutely right.

Please share in the comments what you have done or what you are planning to do to stay unapologetically happy.

Maria xoxo
