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It has been way too long since I wrote my last blog post but I needed to dedicate my time for other important issues in my life and since I was already feeling overwhelmed,  the blog had to wait. As wowen we always have so much on our plate that taking time off is essential and you should never feel guilty for doing it. So today’s blog post is all about the importane of self care.


I am a huge believer that health is your number one wealth. Without it, nothing else matters. This is why it is crucial for you to take care of yourself. No matter how busy, you have to do something for yourself that makes you happy and reenergized. It doesn’t have to be a whole day…. even though very needed at times.  It can be a yoga class, a lunch date with someone you care about, or just a 5 minute break to drink your coffee in peace.


Whatever gets you invigorated, energized and puts you in that right mindset you need to do just that and do it frequently.


Eating healthy and exercising is truly important for your health, but doing small things for yourself is just as equally important for your state of mind. Don’t feel selfish for thinking of yourself. After all you function best you feel great.


Schedule time for you in the calendar; however short or long and take care of yourself. It will make a huge difference in the way you feel, your outlook on life and your perspective in general. And with the January weather in April, I have been feeling pretty down. So massage and a body wrap is booked at Sanctuary International Day Spa this week and I cannot wait.


Leave me a comment below and let me know what your favourite self care practice is. I would love to hear from you.


Stay Fab!

Maria, xoxo
