Under self quarantine right now and thought what better time to talk about health. The situation around the world right now due to Covid-19 makes you realize that there really is nothing more important then our health and health of our loved ones.
So now is the time more than ever to eat healthy, drink lots of water and keep on top of the supplement regime. Because the stronger the immune system the better the ability to fight off any viruses.

And keep in mind that 70% of our immune system is in our gut so the healthier your gut is the stronger the immune system.
One of the most important supplements that I take now and always during the flu season is probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that help keep the digestive tract healthy. You can find it in various fermented foods (ie: kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and yogurt) however it is very difficult to eat so much fermented foods to get all the necessary probiotics that a supplement is usually recommended.

To keep the gut healthy, I love starting my day with a cup of warm water with lemon. This ritual helps to kick start the digestive tract after the night of fasting as well as alkalize your body. Then I follow it by a yummy smoothie where I add my collagen peptides for healthier digestive tract.
This is my go to smoothie recipe:
Half a banana
Protein Powder
Frozen Strawberries
Frozen Blueberries
Handful of Spinach
Home made almond or cashew milk
Scoop of collagen peptides

If I skip a smoothie, I will add the collagen to my matcha latte (and don’t worry, you cannot taste it). You can add it to coffee also. The reason I prefer matcha latte is due to the loads of antioxidants called polyphenols in the matcha which help with blood sugar, boosting metabolism and preventing heart disease. Matcha also contains up to three times more caffeine than the regular green tea, which makes it similar to a regular cup of coffee. However, it also contains a substance called l-theanine which promotes relaxation so it doesn’t give me the same jitters that a coffee does but still keeps me awake. If you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time.

Another supplement I add is Turmeric which is a great antioxidant and has many anti-inflammatory properties along with many other benefits such as lowering your risk for heart disease as well as age related diseases. So overall turmeric helps you achieve better health.

Now more than ever before is the time to focus on your well being. And during the self isolation Google healthy recipes and try them out. With all the free time it is a perfect to learn something new and practice those healthy habits which will stick with you even after the quarantine is over. So, try substituting your coffee for matcha or your milk for home made almond milk. Your never know, you may end up loving it. 😉
I would love to hear in the comments what your favourite supplement is and what new recipes you are trying during this quarantine phase.

Disclosure: I have partnered with Physicians Choice and have received compensation for this post. But as always, ALL opinions are my own. And as I say, if I won’t have it for myself or my family, I will NEVER promote it.
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