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I get asked often about the secret to glowing skin as well as about my nutrition. I am dedicated to a healthy lifestyle since I am a huge believer that you are what you eat. And if you want healthy glowing skin you have to start from within…otherwise all the great creams will never work.


To get glowing skin you have to ensure you drink lots of water, get enough sleep and have a healthy diet. I am all about juicing and blending, especially when I am strapped for time. Because let’s face it, it is a lot easier to get your daily servings of veggies by drinking them than actually eating them.


However, I get a lot of questions about the difference between juicing and blending so below are the key differences and benefits to each.



1. Removes all the pulp
2. No fiber left in your drink
3. Quick absorption into the bloodstream
4. Easy on digestion
5. Nutrients are highly concentrated



1. Pulverizes and keeps all the pulp in
2. Keeps all the fiber
3. Slower release into the blood stream
4. Slows down digestion
5. Keeps you feeling full longer


I personally love both because they perform two different functions. Smoothies are amazing in the mornings because you can pack in lots of nutrition and it will satisfy you until your next meal. It is also great for kids who are picky with their food, since you can hide veggies in there.


Juice on the other hand will make you hungry a lot sooner as all the pulp is removed, BUT it will provide nutrients into your blood stream almost immediately because your digestive tract doesn’t have to work to break down the fiber. So it is a great way to boost your immune system and get large amounts of nutrients at one time. Keep in mind though with juicing you need to use a lot more veggies/fruits to get a glass vs a smoothie. That’s why juices are extremely rich in vitamins and are also quite pricey.



However, be careful with putting too much fruit when you juice. Since all the fiber is removed and nutrients are absorbed fast, your blood sugar spikes very quickly and that is not a good thing. When I do my green juices I only use 1 apple to sweeten it.


So ideally you should have both a juicer and a blender since they provide different health benefits. My favourite blender is Vitamix and my favourite juicer is Hurom. However if you can only invest in one appliance, go with a blender as you will get more uses out of it due to its versatility.


And trust me, after even a few weeks of juicing and blending you will notice a difference in your skin. So happy juicing and blending! Hope this recap helped.


Now if you have a favourite smoothie or jucing recipe, please share it in the comments below or if you have never done it feel free to ask questions. 🙂


Maria, xoxox
