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Super food selection for health diet in porcelain bowls over distressed wooden background.

What is your health reality?

Are you as healthy as you want to be? Do you have great energy to carry you through the day? If you answered yes, then congratulations! However, if you feel like your health, your energy and healthy habits could be improved then read on.
A lot of people take their health for granted until something happens. The problem is that when problems arise it not so easy to get the good health back. That’s why it is so crucial to focus on prevention before anything happens. Establish your daily health rituals and schedule them into your calendar. With our busy schedules it is extremely easy to get lost in the routine and forget about yourself because other scheduled meetings and appointments take first place. However guess what, if you schedule that work out in your calendar you are a lot less likely to cancel it. Now if under circumstances you absolutely must cancel it, ensure that you immediately book another time for it. When YOU are scheduled into the calendar you will start focusing on yourself and your health more.
As important as working out is, about 70% of your success in achieving health goals lies in your nutrition. I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat clean and to eat well. Proper nutrition can prevent many degenerative diseases and ailments. It can also strengthen your immune system to ensure that you get sick less often, and even when you do, you will be able to recover a lot quicker. Now in order to eat well you have to ensure that what you have at home is healthy. So go through your cupboards and discard all the unhealthy foods. This way when you get hungry you will only have healthy alternatives on hand.
In order to have all the healthy goodies at home, you have to get into the habit of weekly grocery shopping and have a great list with you to ensure that what you are buying is healthy and will sustain you for a week of meals and snacks. I know it may sound tedious in the beginning, but trust me it is worth it and after about a month of doing this you will be a pro and you will never look back. Check out my post on “Making Grocery Shopping Easy” This will give you ideas and tips on what you should be buying.
Eating healthy, working out, and taking care of yourself will ensure that you stay on top of your game. You will have a lot of energy, sleep better and get sick less. When you are feeling great you are able to do all the things you love.

That is why health is your number one wealth. Cherish it and treat it as your most prized possession because if that’s gone, nothing else matters.
