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We all know how important it is to have people in your life who understand you and stand behind you. Unfortunately what I found is many women are catty, jealous and full of drama; especially when you start succeeding in whatever venture you are in.

For years I have encountered this behavior and saw how detrimental it can be on a woman’s self esteem as well as success in business. As easy it is to say “just get over it and don’t pay attention to naysayers” it’s hard to do when there are more of them than of those who support you.

What I also noticed is how beneficial it was for me and other boss babes that I met to have a tribe of women who understood the trials and tribulations of being a woman in business. Problem is most don’t know where to start looking.


So here’s how to build your tribe.

1. Find fun networking events that attract and focus on women in business.
2. Join a Facebook business group where members help each other out and cheer each other on.
3. Use social media to follow women that are in the same industry that you admire and reach out to them. Trust me most of them will be flattered and will he happy to support you on your journey .
4. Connect with a local business chamber and check out their events.
5. Finally if you can’t find what you are looking for, create it. Start that online group, reach out to fellow boss babes and organize monthly wine and cheese gathering where you can share your ups and downs…or coffee dates (whatever floats your boat)

And don’t forget there are lots of women out there, myself included who will be happy to see you succeed and rock your biz.

Please comment and let me know how you are building your tribe. If you are in the GTA reach out and I will add you to an amazing networking group.

Stay fabulous my lovelies,

Maria, xoxo
