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I don’t know about you but when it comes to winter my skin always feels so dry.

After trying many different creams I have found some that are working great and wanted to share them with you if you have the same issues.

Let’s start with hands because they get super dry super fast when combined with water (since I’m always washing my hands to prevent illness this time of year) freezing cold and dry air inside.

What works best for me is Burt’s Bees Almond & Milik Hand Cream. It is a thicker cream that is slightly greasy when you put it on but dries very quickly and leaves my hands feeling silky smooth. It’s also an amazing cream to put on your cuticles every night to prolong your manicures.

Personally I always have it in my purse as well as at home to ensure I slather it on all day long whenever my hands feel dry.

For the body I have recently discovered a great Coco Butter Lotion from Now Solutions and it feels wonderful. Best of all it’s not greasy and absorbs quickly so it won’t stain your clothes but will still provide the mositure your skin craves.

For the face I have mentioned before I am obsessed with the Intensive Hyaluronic Serum and Cream from Institut Estherderm. It is super moisturizing and prevents those dehydrated patches of skin that tend to creep up over the winter.

And last but not least…the lips. They tend to get dry and cracked very easily over the winter months so protecting them is absolutely necessary. My all time fave for many years now has been Hurraw lip balm. It is super moisturizing and long lasting. I usually have about 7 of them at all times….between my purse, my car and all the places in my house. Am I the only one who keeps so many lipbalms???

So these are my go to’s right now that help me combat dry skin while keeping the glow and preserving the natural moisture. Best of all they are all natural and they work.

Now it’s time for me to go put some lip balm and slather my dry hands with cream.

Have a fabulous day and don’t be shy to leave a comment about your favourite skin care product. Would love to hear from you.

Maria, xoxo
