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As much as I love fashion, I am into a healthy lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle is not just about working out and eating healthy…it is also about eliminating toxins from your every day life. And let me tell you I was shocked to find out years ago how many chemicals are inside the house.

So I’m going to share 10 easy steps to making your home healthier.


1) Air out the house EVERY SINGLE DAY. The air inside is always a lot more polluted than the air outside. Minimizing the amount of toxic products you use at home will improve your air quality. So will adding green plants around the house.


2) Switch ALL your household cleaners to cleaner greener alternatives. There are many alternatives to regular toxic cleaning products in any supermarket. However, why not try to use the old school cleaning supplies like soap, water, vinegar, baking soda and lemon. There is almost no dirt that the toxic free products can’t clean….and if it’s that dirty it’s probably time to get rid of that item.


3) Switch your personal care products to the ones that are toxin free. In makeup and skin care you want to stay away from Parabens, Sulphites and SLS. For deodorants make sure they are free of Aluminum and Parabens. For toothpaste, try to switch to the one that is triclosan free and possibly even fluoride free. Check out www.ewg.org
for more info on toxicity of personal care products.


4) AVOID using non stick pans, bakeware, and anything else with Teflon coating.


5) AVOID wrinkle free and stain free clothing as it usually contains formaldehyde.Try to use organic and/or untreated fabrics as much as possible.


6) Do you dry clean often? Time to switch to a cleaner, greener dry cleaner (see,it even rhymes). Most dry cleaners use tons of chemicals to dry clean the clothes. If you must use a regular dry cleaner, take the plastic off as soon as possible and let the garment air out outside or in the garage for 24 hours.


7) Get rid of plastics! Even if it’s BPA free there are still many other chemicals that are used to substitute for BPA. Old school glass is still best.


8) AVOID wearing shoes in the house as they tend to track in a lot of toxins from the outside.


9) Get a reverse osmosis water system for your drinking water. Drinking water can have potential chemicals that are toxic to your health. Also, if you are used to drinking from water bottles this will reduce your exposure to the chemicals in the plastic and help our environment in the long run.


10) Check for household moisture on a regular basis. Moisture in the basement and bathrooms can lead to mold and mildew growth which is toxic to our health.


Hope this helps. Now comment below and let me know if you employ any of these practices. And don’t forget to share this blog to help your famly and friends to have a healthy home too.

Maria, xoxo
