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Staying Healthy While You Are Out


Do you like to go out? I know I do, but I still want to stay healthy regardless if I have a busy social calendar or not. Check out my top tips for enjoying your life while staying healthy.

1. Focus on having fun rather than eating

2. Make sure you eat 5 times a day to keep your sugar levels under control.

3. If you are going to someone’s house, offer to bring your own dessert or appetizers (make your own). If at the restaurant choose healthier alternatives or get a few apps rather than an app and full meal. Not only will you get to savor more of the menu you will also eat a smaller portion.

4. Choose what you really would like to indulge in beforehand so you can eat healthy but still have something to look forward to.

5. If you know that the house you are going to will have a lot of unhealthy foods, eat slightly before you go so you are not as hungry.

6. Make sure to stay well hydrated, especially when drinking. Good rule of thumb is 1 glass of alcohol, 1 glass of water.

7. Most of all have fun!
