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Glow Peel Chemical Peel Review

I have had many questions about the Glow peel chemical peel that I had a few weeks back at the Beautique Med Spa so I decided to write a quick blog about it.

Generally I have pretty good skin but in the cold months I do get dehydrated patches on my face. So regular exfoliation and facials are a must for me.



I usually get a facial or microdermabrasions every 3 months (when the season changes) but have never tried a peel as I was always afraid to end up with red, burnt looking skin (aka Samantha from Sex and the City after her peel), so I stayed away.

However, I was promised by Beautique Med Spa that their Alumier MD peel is very gentle, there is minimal to no redness and almost no peeling afterwards. So after a quick consultation I decided to go for it.

The entire peel takes about 30 minutes to complete and starts just as any facial, with cleansing of the skin. Once that is done 2 layers (one after the other) of the peel are applied to the skin with about 5 minutes in between the layers. Now I do have to warn you…that stuff burns. It is totally bearable but definitely unpleasant.



Finally after the second layer they apply some sort of neutralizer that calms the skin and all the burning and tingling stops completely. Then they applied moisturizer and sunscreen and I was on my way with skin care products and instructions on how to take care of my skin for 5 days post peel.

The interesting part about this peel is that they do not rinse it off and you walk out with the peel still on your skin. Then 24 hours later you can wash it off. Originally I thought that it is just to get the best results and since I usually go to bed late I was just going to wash it off before bed. However, that is a big no-no. They do not know the exact time when the peel stops working (as it is different for every individual), so if you wash it off while it is still working the water will reactivate the enzymes and can burn your skin.

This is why it is sooo important to listen to your skin care professional when they give you instructions.



So what did I think about  the peel?  I would definitely do it again as it left my skin super smooth and dehydration free up to now which is about 3 weeks after. It also makes it easier to maintain the smoothness as healthy clean skin absorbs all the products way better.

However, what I didn’t love is that it left my skin feeling a little dry for about 3-4 days (which is normal) and I did have a tiny bit of peeling which was taken care off with a little exfoliation 5 days afterwards. So in my opinion the long-term benefits outweigh the few cons and I would recommend the Glow peel.

Check out the Q&A video with Beautique Med Spa about the peel.

What is your favourite skin care treatment? Let me know in the comments.

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