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My Favourite Products for Glowing Skin

I have been asked about my favorite products as well as skin care routine for quite a while now. Sooo here are my secrets to healthy glowing skin.


When it comes to skin care I always go as natural as possible. I have even tried home made products. However, those at times can be dangerous as without proper preservative system (chemical or natural) the risk of bacterial contamination is way too high and your skin will pay for it.


I tend to switch up my skin care products every few years or as soon as I notice that the products are no longer working for me. For the lasts 6 months I have been obsessed with Andalou and Odacite.
Both of these companies are super natural, organic and NON-GMO. They have a variety of products that you can choose from that will cater to your skin. And most of all they actually work.


From Andalou I currently LOVE their 1000 Roses line which is really great for my sensitive skin. I use the exfoliator, eye cream, serum and night cream. It’s very moisturizing and feels wonderful on the skin.


I also LOVE Odacite facial cleanser as well as all their oily serums. My favorite one is Green Tea Lemongrass. It’s perfect for after exfoliation. Just mix 2-3 drops of the serum with your favourite moisturizer. It makes the skin feel super radiant.


Now for my skin care routine… I cleanse my face morning and night. After the cleanser I will apply the serum, eye cream and moisturizer. I tend to like thicker moisturizers for my skin so I tend to buy the night time creams and use them day and night. One thing you have to make sure is to add sunscreen every morning. Nothing ages the skin the way sun does.


I also use lip balms daily to keep my lips moisturized. I love the Hurraw brand. Very natural ingredients, feels great and is under $5.


Exfoliation is also very important and I tend to do it once or twice a week in the summer and about every 10 days in the winter (since the skin is drier). However, you have to judge it by the way your skin looks and feels. If in doubt, err on the side of caution and exfoliate less.


I also go for facials every 2-3 months to ensure that my skin gets a deep cleaning, moisturizing and extractions that it needs.


Also to make sure that I have glowing skin, I drink lots of water, eat very clean and try to get 8 hours of sleep every night. After all skin is the reflection of our overall health.


So this is my skin care routine in a nutshell. Nothing complex and anyone can do it.


Would love to hear what your skin care routine consists of. Just drop me a line in the comments.


Maria xoxo

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