Bikini Ready Tips

With sunny vacation getaways or a summer around the corner (somewhere in the world for sure) I have put together some great tips for you to be bikini ready ALL year long. Sounds too good to be true?!?!? Well it’s not and here are my TOP 2 tips for being bikini ready.
- Buy a bikini
- Wear it, own it and be fabulous!
Yep these are the best bikini tips you are ever going to get. What you need to learn is to ALWAYS love your body however perfectly imperfect it may be. All you need to think of is eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle plus I have some more tips up my sleeve to share with you.
Bikini Ready and Healthy All Year Round:
1. Avoid “diet” pills. They will not give you the sustained long term weight loss. Also, many of them can have detrimental effect on your overall heath. No diet will ever work the way a healthy lifestyle will.
2. Avoid diets that are focused on complete elimination of carbs, protein or fat.
3. Most weight gain is due to the consumption of the “wrong” foods. If you eat healthy, you will achieve the desired weight. It will take more time but you will get there safely and will be able to sustain it.
4. Develop an awareness for your body. It will tell you what it needs and how much. Keep in mind, staying a healthy weight means that some days you may eat more than you should and other days you may eat less. It’s all about the balance.
5. Avoid processed foods.
6. Avoid foods that are “fat free”. Fat free means no nutrients and many chemicals.
7. Reduce/completely eliminate intake of white refined flour.
8. Throw away your scale and stop obsessing about calories and weight. Eat healthy, nourish your body properly and exercise. Also, keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat.
9. Eat more veggies and fruits. They are low in calories and high in vitamins and nutrients. Choose a rainbow of colors daily with your fruits and veggies.
10. When exercising, add resistance training to your routine as it will speed up your metabolism.
11. ALWAYS stay hydrated. You should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day. If you add caffeine and alcohol, you should up your water intake (ratio: 1 cup of coffee add 2 glasses of water)
12. Get adequate sleep. Our bodies regenerate during the night and stabilize all the bodily functions.
13. Be happy with your body.
14. Do not expect quick results. Remember that quick weight loss is never sustainable long term.
15. While losing weight, don’t forget to be happy. Life should be about enjoyment. Don’t forget to celebrate the small accomplishments and be grateful. Eat well, exercise, have a healthy lifestyle and feel good about yourself. Everything else will fall into place

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